Freitag, 31. August 2007

Januar 7-9

Kit by Miss Scrapinette (Petite Fille)
Karteikarte by Saab (Rusty Days)
Font: Wellington


Background by MJB (Ent'Attendant)
Paper by Karin M
Stapled Ribbon by Pam Lefors (Tranquility)
Fastener by Eveline (Streifen)
Swimming-Tag by Chris M. Stone (Go Camping)
Flip Flops und Fische by Dozibaer
Font: Wasser


Kit by Eva K (Beyond Paradise)
Button by Eva K (Carolina Haven) eingefärbt
Büroklammer und Straß by Miss Vivi (Home Sweet Home)
Fonts: Harvey und Gregs other Hand

Donnerstag, 30. August 2007

Januar 2-4

Kit by Ameliescrap (Sea)
Stitch by Laura2003 (Softly)
Font: Homework normal


Background, Ribbon und Herz by Sun & Jan (Bold Boy)
Dymolabel by Seebee (Diana Jean)
Cardboard by MJB (Ent'Attendant)
Zipper by Miss Vivi (Blue Moka)
Alphas by L. Alpuche (September Sun) und Mary (Cool Boys, Sweet Girls)
Boxed Word by Miss Mint (Party Pants)
Pfeil by Scrapsisters (Spring)
Font: Heather

Mittwoch, 29. August 2007

Selber machen

Kit by Tabritzia (Beachhouse Impressions)
Font: Courtney Dorkling


Kit by Saab (Grabbag)
Fonts: I und Hooked on Booze

Tip Tap Toe

Kit by Tabritzia (Beachhouse Impressions)
Font: Guess What.

Happy Feet

Template by Shandy Vogt
Kit by Bren Boone (Summer Afternoon)
Gelsticker by Mooncatcher
Font: Dance Steps


Background by Kim Smith (Late Summer Flowers)
Paper by Majula (This Boy)
Stitch by Natali
Fee by JeannJeann G. (Fairytopia)
Zähne by Pillowgirl
Kalenderstamp by Designing on the Edge
Tüte by Barbara Speck
Telegramm by Xntrik (Trunk)
Stempel by Shabby Princess (Seasonal Sampler)
Fonts: Tom, Turtle Club und Arial

Dienstag, 28. August 2007


Template by Stella
Background by Krista (Simply Elegant)
Sternpaper by Mary (Cherries)
Naht by Scraphouse Team (April Inspirations)
Frame by Dozibaer
Sterne by Designing on the Edge und Eva K (Good Night)
Knopf by Mary (Butterfly)
Schleife by JeannJeann G. (Boyzone)
Tags by Mary (Remember) und Scraphouse Team (Simply Love)
Büroklammer by Scraphouse Team (Simply Love)
Font: Santa Monica MF

Sonntag, 26. August 2007

Weihnachten 2006

Template by Digitreats
Kit by (Le Kit - Noel)
Zettel, Button und Baum by Shabby Princess (Seasonal Sampler)
Fonts: Snowtop Caps, Seasons Greetings (Dingbats) und Santas Sleigh

You're so cute cute cute

Background, Paper, Fotohalter und Cardboard by Scraphouse Team (Birthday)
Basecap und Wordplate by Dozibaer
Boxed Words by Jenny (Starlight und Sweet Emotions) und BZ Art
Buttons by Magdalena (Crazy Teddy)
Font: FG Ivy

Freitag, 24. August 2007


Kit by ABCDElf (Rustique Chic)
Doodle by Ameliescraps (Beautiful days)
Klammer by Verena Karolyi (Freshly)
Font: Fat Boy Smilies und Enchanted Prairie Dog

Dezember 11-22

Background und Karte by Cinzia L (Beauty)
torn Paper by Amy C (Long Ago)
Kette mit Karabiner by Herald (Heralds Hardware)
Karte by Can Design
Scrapof Paper by Majula (Good Morning Sunshine)
Büroklammer by Manu (Sweetness of Life)
Stitch by Mary (Flowerdreams)
Binderclip by Jenny (Sweet Emotions)
Post-it by Jannidee (Moving Day)
Anker by Azyzam
Badewannenstöpsel by
Font: Brianne Hand


Background und Helicopter by JeannJeann G. (Boyzone)
Sonne by SM
Knoten by Scrappin Hillbilly
Sterne by Designing on the Edge
Mond by Mary (Sunshine)
Font: Black Chancery


Donnerstag, 23. August 2007


Kit by Cinzia L (Beauty)
Pfeil by me
Fonts: Baileys Car und Bambino


Background by NBK (Lace)
Doodle und Stitch by Mary (Life is an Adventure)
Alpha by Dozibaer
Tag by Alexa
Font: Vargas

Mittwoch, 22. August 2007


Background by Bren Boone (Lucious Solids)
Zettel by Mary (November)
Büroklammer by Miss Mint (Party Pants)
Apfel by SM
Tesa by Barb Derksen3
Font: Annoying Kettle

Echte Papas ...

... brauchen keinen Schlaf.Credits:
Kit by Eva K. (Good Night)
Fonts: Starry Night und Nightsky

November 20-28

Background und Fee by Netmouse (Fairyland)
Ribbon by Monty
Abrißkante by Ilona Hamp (Newspaper Cutting)
Klammer by Amy Teets (Sunporch)
Karteikarte by Saab (Rusty Days)
Doodle by Scrapmami
Font: Angelina


Background by DCD (Bittersweet)
Filmstrip by Designing on the Edge
Rahmen by Kim B. (Old Boy)
Fonts: Ohio Script und Not his Angel

Professor Dr. Dr.

Kit Blue Mokka by Miss Vivi
Stitch by Melothria
Font: Pooh

You put that thing into my ... What????

Kit by Mary (Bella)
Naht by Melothria
Herzknopf by Maria (Essence of Life)
Font: Monstroula

November 16

Background, Paper und Reiter by Kim Smith (Daydream)
Keytagring by Lemonaidlucy
Zettel, Büroklammer und Notizheft by Maria (Essence of Life)
Tag by Miss Mint (Foxy Lady)
Scrapof Paper by Ilona Hamp (Gerbera)
Naht by Alexa
Schleife by JeannJeann G (Boyzone)
Pfeil by Mary (Bella)
Font: Milktopgirl

November 2-5

Background by Corina (Bekind)
Buch und Cardboard by Mary (Bella)
Binderclip by Julaender (Rafaela)
Doodle by Cincia L (Beauty)
Herz by JeannJeann G (Boyzone)
Fonts: Augie, Beth Hand und Moms Font


Template by Lottchen
Kit by Ilona (Gerbera)
Tacker by Doro (Jolina)
Font: Old Glory
Wordart by me


Background und Paper by Blythe Evans (Pinapple Paradise)
Rahmen und Doodlecorner by Ameliescrap (Happy)
Stapled Ribbon und Naht by Mary (Bella)
Knotenribbon by Ameliescrap (Soft Memories)
Alphas by Mary (Bella), JeannJeann G. (Fairytopia) und Dozibaer

Oktober 31

Background, Ribbon und Knöpfe by Ameliescrap (Happy)
Blumen by Mary (Bella), Doro (My Romance) und Bren Boone (Summer Afternoon)
Paperweight by Designing on the Edge
Zettel by Doro (My Romance)
Koffertag by JeannJeann G.
Ribbon und Cardboard-Tag by Eva K. (Carolina Heaven)
Tacker by Doro (Jolina)
Fonts: Rockwell Bold und Pristina

Montag, 20. August 2007

Fantastic Four

Ein Schenkie für Yvie
Kit by Miss Vivi (Party Pants)
Fonts: Highspeed und First Crush

Denise als Blend

Und nochmal Denise Credits:
Background und Naht by Nathy (Feelin Blue)
Font: First Crush


Ein Schenkie für Nicole aus dem Jahreszeitenforum
Background und Blumen by Mary (Summerbreeze)
Frame und Alphas by Mary (Cherries)
Wordart by Tracy Drane
Font: FG Klara

Ich weiß was

Background und Zettel by Scrapladies (Happy Valentine)
Reiter by Scrappy 3 Friends (Coffee Time)
Embellies by Scrapladies (Molly Mini)
Font: FG Jenny

Samstag, 18. August 2007


Background by Zauberbaumfee
Möhrchenoverlay by me mit Möhrchen von Jaslanj
Zettel by Verena Karolyi (My First Flowers)
Font: Hey Gorgeous
Journaling oben by Helge Schneider (Möhrchenlied)

Freitag, 17. August 2007

Vierteljahr alt

Background und Schleife by Verena Karolyi (My First Flowers)
Badge by Barb Derksen
Bast by Petit Moinneaux
Bommel by Vir Brandi
Briefmarken by Tracy Drane
Umschlag by Marise Vincent (Only for the Boys)
Kette by Mary (Cool Boys, Sweet Girls)
Tacker by Catharina Oelting (Romance)
Font: Lainie Day

Nach dem Shooting

Template by Jaana Säker
Background by Digisacrappers (Hugs for our american Friends)
Frames by Seebee
Alpha by Dozibaer
Border by Julaender
Font: Jamiro

Sweet Memory

Was ist noch besser als ein LO des Tages .... naaaaaa.
Ich hab heute meine erste Liftinganfrage bekommen für mein Memory-LO und zwar von Natalie ... ich freu mich wie Bolle ..
Juhu und LO des Tages vom 17. August 2007 ist es auch noch geworden
das ist zuviel für mich *umfall*
Kit by Zauberbaumfee (Valentine Heart)
Label by Mary (Elegance)
Font: Lainie Day

Santa Baby

Background und Schneekristalle by Diva (Scrapowinter)
Overlay by Kirsty Wiseman (Galaxy)
Schneekristalle by Jana Säker (Frosty) und Dozibaer
Ribbons by Mary (Wintertime) und Scraphouse Team (Winter)
Alpha by Dozibaer

Bed of Roses

Background und Pinselstrich by Miss Vivi (Home Sweet Home)
Reiter, Button und Rose by Juniana (Lets talk about love)
Fotoprong, Tacker und Reiter by Nicole K. (Endless Love)
Paper unten by Miss Vivi (Valentin)
Blütenblätter und gepresste Rosen by Dozibaer
Rose oben rechts by Lien
Journaling by Bon Jovi
Font: Lainie Day

Donnerstag, 16. August 2007

Sweet Baby Boy

Template und Wordart (eingefärbt) by Tracy Drane
Background by Beth (Blue Persuasion)
Ribbons by Angie Briggs und Chris M. Stone
Tropfen aus PSP
Font: Lainie Day


Background by Designing on the Edge
Pappe by Mary (Elegance)
Papierstreifen by Majula (Good Morning Sunshine)
Pfeil by Mary (eingefärbt)
Autoschilder und Chevisigns by Dozibaer
Zettel by Mary (Dive into Summer) und Amy C (Long Ago)
Rahmen by Scraphouse Team (Specially for you)
Datewheel by Xyreena
Fonts: Caslite, Chlubb und Childs Play

Oktober 4-15

Kit by Scraphouse Team (Birthday)
Font: Especial Kay

Indian Summer

Background by Camila Maria und G. Mendes (Classic)
Dymolabels und Büroklammer by JeannJeann G. (Teatime Punch and Wildberries)
Karteikarte, Blumen, Ribbon und Notizblatt by Saab (Rusty Days)
Button und Blumengebinde by Shabby Princess (Fall)
Goldelement by Sue Jones (Lest we forget)
Blumenklemme by Miss Vivi (Bayadere)
Glastrauben by Barb Derksen
Font: Enchanted Prairie Dog
Blend und Naturfotos by me

RAK by Simone

Zum Thema "Heritage" habe ich im Scraphouse einige alte Familienfotos zur Verfügung gestellt.
Dieses Schenkie hat Simone für mich gebastelt.
Besucht auch mal ihren Blog:

Grandmas-House by Lindsay Jane

Good Night

Kit by Eva K. (Good Night)
Words by Alexa (Blue Dreams)

September 27

Kit by Lissy (My colourful World)
Zettel by Mary (Dive into Summer)
Font: Irezumi

September 20-26

Background by Pillowgirl (Nature Beauty)
Notizzettel by Eva K (Butterflies and Flowers)
Blätter by DozibaerTesa by Mary (Butterfly)
Schnipsel by Lifely (Comic)
Binderclip by Julaender (Rafaela)
Font: Hey Gorgeous

September 15-18

Background by Nicole (Tealpapers)
Gürtel by Scrapzwerge (Birthday)
Knopfribbon by Lifely (Comic)
Paisley by Summer Driggs (Truth)
Font: China Cat

Mittwoch, 15. August 2007


Kit by Verena Karolyi (Chinese)
Reiter by Vicky Fernandez
Font: Karate


Sketch by Pagemaps (abgewandelt)
Background und Paper by Loreta Labarca (March Ending)
Paper und Knoten by L. Alpuche (September Sun)
Dekoklammern by Dozibaer
Tags by Kaula (Spring in the City)
Laberholder by Shabby Princess (Vintage Florals)
Stitches by Natali und Claudia
Font: Jane Austen