Montag, 15. Dezember 2008

Newly born

Lift by ???
Font: Scriptina


Background by Irene Alexeeva (Playing with Denim)
Alpha by Mommysscrap
Font: Vrinda


Kit by Aprilmouse (Jinovatka)
Alpha by Jannilynn (Feelin Flakey)
Fonts: Sophie und Twinkle

Tritt ein, bring Farbe rein

Farbkreise by Gina Miller (Miles)
Farbklecks by Bridget
Zettel by Aprilmouse (Time)
Büroklammer by Manu (Sweetness of Life)
Fonts: Simpsonfont und Skinny Capkick

Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008

Christine zum 50.

Lift und Gedicht by Bastelsternchen
Background by Akiloune (Spring)
Elemente by Thaliris (Spring of Love)
Papertealtemplate by Flergs
Alpha by Ellie Lash (Easter Egg)
Fonts: Sixties, King and Queen und Harvey

Mittwoch, 19. November 2008


Kit by Petit Moineaux (Tendrement)
Font: Madison


Template by Tracy Drane
Background und Doodle by Irene Alexeeva (Crazy Crayons)
Pfeil by Cherri Kalun (Kitty Love) eingefärbt
Frames by Aprilmouse und Hanulienka (z.T. eingefärbt)
Font: CAC Leslie

Bau herrlich

Kit by Danielle Corbitt (Autumn Frolic)
Pfeile by Kim B. und Petit Moineaux (Frisson d'Hiver)
Staples by Melothria und Mary (Dive into Summer)
Font: Bush


Template und Frame by Amy W.
Kit by Danielle Corbitt (Beautiful Day)
Font: Brianne Hand

Dienstag, 18. November 2008


Background by Vicky (Grannies Attic)
Maßbänder by Lottchen, Raspberry Road und Jannidee
Font: Bernhard MT Condensed


inspired by Template from Templates 'n' more
Kit by Cinnamonscraps (Happy Haunting)
Fonts: Bauhaus 93 und Benguiat Frisky

Unsere neue Wärmepumpe - Deckblatt

Background by me
Vogel und Bows by Claudi (Faithsisters)
Zweig by Akiloune (Origami)
Zaun by Kubivet (Jablka)
Tag by Mel H. (Candyfloss Garden) eingefärbt
Font: Arthur

Montag, 17. November 2008

Der Durchbruch ist nah

Kit by Gouzi und Akiloune (Street Spirit)
Fonts: Annoying Kettle und 5 cents

Die Mauer muß weg

Kit by Gouzi und Akiloune (Street Spirit)
Alpha by Bouille (Street spirit)
Fonts: 5 cents, An Accidental Kiss und Black Jack

Donnerstag, 13. November 2008


Background by The Maltese Scrapper
Tapete by NBK (The Leaf)
Alpha by Mommysscrap (Backyard Explorer) eingefärbt
Wolke by Lauraskathi (Funky Nature)
Blume by Tinette (Ent' Attendant)
Fonts: Technical und Wet Paint


Kits by Irene Alexeeva (diverse)
Tacker by Danielle Corbitt
Fonts: Taylor Mackenzie und Technical

Poster - Ein Bruder

Kit by Vinnie Pearce (I live for)
Corner by Akiloune (Showtime)
Tag by Magdalena (Late Afternoon)
Wordart deutsch by me

Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008

Desktop Oktober 2008

Background und Button by Cinnamon Scraps (Happy Hunting und September Morning)
Lederecken by Mary Giles
Clipboard by Saab
Kastanien, Ahornfrüchte und Beeren by Waterloproject (Autumn Meadow)
Blätter, Schleife und Tacker by Digiscrapcoco (Balade d'Automne)
Klebezettel by Ronna Penner (Express Yourself)
Kalender by Nadlm
Notizzettel by Miss Vivi (Bayadere) und Tracy Drane
Font: Whisper Write

Montag, 6. Oktober 2008

In Love

Kit by Petit Moineaux (Ent'attendant)
Wordart by Elegant Wordart
Doodle by Isyndra (Birthday Bash) eingefärbt
Alpha by Dirty Feet Designs
Fotobearbeitung by me

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

Deckblatt Fotobuch 3. Lebensjahr

Lift by Pam
Background, Papers und Frame by C. Stephens (Spontaneus Delight)
Frames by Petit Moineaux (diverse Kits)
Blätter by Aprilmouse (Spring Meadow)
Herzen by Petite Moineaux (Romance), Amelie und Moune Thaliris (Pour toujour)
Glitter und Streuherzen by Petit Moineaux (Pink Beauty) eingefärbt
Tacker by Gouzi-Akiloune (Street Spirit) und Digiscrapcoco (Balade d`Automne)
Schmetterlinge by Schaaka (Medley) und Digidoux
Alpha by Bren Boone (Naturally)
Seil by Aprilmouse (Boyzone) eingefärbt
Font: Fontdiner Luvable

Samstag, 27. September 2008

RAK by Sandra

Die liebe Sandra hat noch ein tolles LO mit Iven für uns gescrapt. Vielen lieben Dank nochmal.

Freitag, 26. September 2008

Fußbodenheizung & Fließestrich

Background by Kubivet (Old Naut)
Alphas by Vicki (Sticky)
Elemente by Kubivet und Thaliris (diverse Kits)
Font: FG Amura

Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

Schweißbahn verlegt

Background, Öse, Schleife und Journaling by Kubivet
Paper by Scarletheels (Graphtastic) und Cinnamon Scraps (September Morning)
Bast by Alexa und Petit Moineaux

Mittwoch, 24. September 2008


Background, rechter Schmetterling und Rahmen by Kubivet
Schrauben by Gouzi & Akiloune (Street Spirit)
Doppelte Schmetterlinge by Irene Alexeeva (Florentine)
Wordart by Tina Chambers
Efeuranken aus dem www. (freigestellt)

Dienstag, 23. September 2008

My greatest Blessings

Inspired by Thaliris
Kit by Thaliris (Sweet Love)
Background by Kubivet (Cat) eingefärbt
Wordart by Kimber (leicht abgeändert)
Font: Saginaw

Montag, 22. September 2008

Who is who?

Background by Carrie Stephens (Spontaneus Delight)
Paperteartemplates by Tracy Drane
Paper und Frames by Raspberry Road (Shabby Tots)
Alpha by Vicky (eingefärbt)
Vögel, Band und Doodles by Moune & Thaliris (Pour Toujours)
Font: Heather

Samstag, 20. September 2008


Background und Tacker by Raspberry Road (Victorian Bliss)
Label, Herz und Clip by Petit Moineaux (L'air du Temps)
Alpha by Darhena
Font: Joplin

Sisters & Brothers

Kit by Akiloune (Origami)
Wordart by me
Font: Grafia

First Love

Background by Bohemian Art (Polka Dots)
Frames by Tabritzia (Beachhouse Impressions)
Elemente by Raspberry Road (Big Boy)
Blume by Vicky (Baby Boy)
Federn by Timkova (Tenderness) eingefärbt
Wordart by Elegant Wordart
Font: Grafia

RAK by Diana

Diana hat mich gestern mit diesem süßen Schenkie überrascht.

Freitag, 12. September 2008

Herz an ... Bauch

Alphas by Ellie Lash (whimsical wonderland) und Adrons Catherine
Font: Felt

Déjà Vu

Background (eingefärbt), Halter, Zweig und Knöpfe by Akiloune (Origami)
Paper by Anael (Spotlight)
Papertears by Gunhild Storeide
Fastener by Akiloune (Spring attitude) eingefärbt
Alpha by Kjoi (Designer Contest)
Fonts: Dobkin und Fancy Hand

RAK by Sandra

Von Sandra - alias Nachtamazone - habe ich dieses superschöne Geschenk bekommen.
Vielen lieben Dank nochmal.
Wenn ihr sehen wollt, was Sandra noch so schönes bastelt, besucht sie doch mal auf ihrem Blog.

Mittwoch, 27. August 2008


Background und Alpha by kjoi (Designer Contest)
Wordart by Alexeeva (eingefärbt)
Sterne by Kim B.


Background, 2 und Wordart by SH Team (3rd Birthday)
Frame by Manda J (Katie)
Alpha by Newlife Dreams (Halfway to paradise)
Font: DJ Spiffy


Background by Miss Mint (Tropical Popsicle)
Alpha by Kjoi (Designer Contest)
Elemente by SH Team (3rd Birthday) und Tammykat (Don't bug me)
Font: Disney Comic


Background und Alpha by Bren Boone (Naturally)
Frame by Petit Moineaux
Pfeile bei Petite Moineaux (Romance) und Jenny (Men)
Font: DJ Spiffy

Dienstag, 26. August 2008

Mööönie fahren

Template by Jack und Jill
Background by Alexeeva (Love Scent)
Paper by Ilona Hamp (One Fine Day)
Papierecke by Alexeeva (Playing with Denim)
Torn Paper by Alexa (My Discovery)
Tesa by Mary (Butterfly kisses)
Klammer by Birgit (Fresh)
Stapled Ribbon by Alexeeva (Can Can)
Alpha by Kjoi (Designer Contest)
Font: Digs my Hart

Janis ist 2

Template und Krone by unknown
Background und Alpha by Kjoi (Designer Contest)
Frame by Barb Derksen
Stempel by Sarah (Mothersday)
Font: Destroy

Montag, 25. August 2008

Jolina & me

Scraplift by Sam
Background und Paper by Creative Scrapcat (Gently)
Background Wordart by me
Frame by ABCDElf (Rustique Chic)
Polaroids by Gunhild Storeide
Knopflöcher by Tracy Drane
Knöpfe by Jessy (Late Summer)
Schleife by Raspberry Road (Fitting Room)
Perlen by Tracy King (Beaded Flowers) z.T. eingefärbt
Font: Chinacat

RAK by Diana

Diana hat mir auch was tolles gebastelt. Dieses wunderschöne Werk habe ich ihr zu verdanken.

Donnerstag, 21. August 2008

RAK by Kirsten

Die liebe Kirsten hat mich mit diesen tollen Schenkies überrascht. *freu*
Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmal Kirsty.

Credits: unknown
Kit by Happyfamilyscrapforum

Dienstag, 19. August 2008

RAK by Rednicki

Nicki aus dem Jahreszeitenforum war ganz fleißig und hat mir zu Ivens Geburt diese zauberhaften Schenkies gemacht. Danke Nicki *knuuuuuutschaaaa*

Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

Geburtstagskind Christa

Scraphouse Team (3rd Birthday)
Pfeile by Amara, Cherri Kalun, Nina, Petit Moineaux und Scraps 4 u


Background by Ellie Lash (Sunday Morning) eingefärbt
Alphas by Ellie Lash (Easter Egg)
Rahmen by Ellie Lash (How she shines) und (Happy Birthday)
Wordart by Pillowgirl
Labels by Mary (Elegance)
Elemente by Ellie Lash (How she shines und Sunday Morning)
Fonts: Chinacat und Children Dingbats

Geburtstag Tante Christa

Template Sunburst by ???
Background und Sonne by Camila Silva (Claudia)
Paper und Paperelemente by Bren Boone (Summer Afternoon)
Rahmen by Gina Miller (Miles)
Alphas by Ann
Fonts: Balloons und Arthur