Dienstag, 29. April 2008


Template by Yin
Kit by Eva K. (Butterflies and Flowers)
Font: Best DB

So soll es sein

Scraplift by Natalie
Doodleribbon by Julaender (eingefärbt)
Doodleheart by Angie Briggs
Font: CAC Shishoni Brush
Lyrics by Ich und Ich (So soll es Sein)


Background by Eressea (Deeper Series)
Overlay by Kirsty Wiseman (Rainforest)
Frame by Lara Payton (eingefärbt)
Herz by Petit Moineaux (Romance) eingefärbt
Glitter by Kim B. (Starry Edges)
Stapled Pearl by Tracy King

I Lift myself

Scraplift by me
Template by Lottchen
Papers by Alexa (My Discovery und Dirty)
Overlay by Krista
Frame by Lynn (Friendship)
Naht by Amelie (Pink Paradise) und Lottchen

Ich und Du

Scraplift by me
Background by Petit Moineaux (Brise Marine)
Paper und Frame by Petit Moineaux (L'air du Temps)
Schleife und Clip by Petit Moineaux (Amore Blue)
Font: Jane Austen
Gedicht (Ich und Du) by Friedrich Hebbel

Unce upon a time

Wordart by me (used Fonts: Rothenburg Decora und Roselyn)
Alpha by My Emma Doodle (eingefärbt)

Just Married

Scraplift "Hands of Love" by ???
Background und Paper by Vicky Fernandez (Sample) z.T. eingefärbt
Doodles by Julie O. (Eastern Spice)
Frame by Diane Leigh Davidson (eingefärbt)
Brads by Carla
Perlen by Steffi
Font: Miss Le Gates

Samstag, 26. April 2008

No need for Words

Scraplift by Alicia
Kit by Ronna Penner (Express Yourself)
Doodle by Petit Moineaux
Fonts: Hilde und LOT Quest
BG Lyrics by Laith al Deen (Alles an Dir)

Die Wirtsleute

Template by Lottchen
Kit by Ashalee Wall (Octobersample)
Tag by Mary (Happy Memories)
Fotoecken by Janosch (Retro Day)
Font: Cambridgeside

Janis small but dangerous

Kit by Petit Moineaux (Prunelle)
Pfeil by Amy Teets (Sunporch)
Alpha by Christina Renee (Alpha Bits)
Wordart by Bantina (abgeändert mit Font: Bert)
Font: Blippo BLK BT

Du bist vom selben Stern

Template by Tracy Drane (abgewandelt)
Background by Kim Smith (Lime Daisy)
Paper by Raspberry Hill (eingefärbt)
Overlay by Tabby Lewis
Frame by Petit Moineaux (Tout Simplement)
Sterne by Designing on the edge und Carla
Lichtstern by me
Font: Amore ATT
Lyrics by Ich und Ich (Vom Selben Stern)

Alkohol ist keine Lösung

Background by Jeann Jeann G (Boyzone)
Büroklammer by Matise Vincent (Only for Boys)
Naht by Lily Kay (Nathan)
Kronkorken und Alpha by Dozibaer
Denkblase by Scarletheels
Fonts: Alcohole, Alpha Mack AOE und Angelica

Fabi & Thomi

Kit by Amelie (Sea)
Wordart by Jenny

Mone & Rina

Kit by Amelie (Beautiful Days)
Wordart by Bantina

Das Unheil naht ...

Kit by Amelie (Delightful)
Frames by Amelie und Designing on the Edge
Alpha by Chris M. Stone
Fonts: Calaveras und Dance Step


Kit by Jannidee (You've got Male)
Alphas by Dozibaer, Gina Maria, Mary, Linda Rechtin, Melany Violette, Jana Glück, Lily Kay & Gouzi, MGL, Monika 69, My Emma Doodle, JeannJeann G., Jannidee, Shes full of scrap (eingefärbt), Nicole, Tracy Collins und Monti

Papa und seine Kinder

Kit by Amelie (Funky Mix)
Framecluster by Kim B.

Freitag, 25. April 2008


Template by Ramona
Background, Tacker und Blume (eingefärbt) by Tracy Kind (Cradled)
Paper und Ribbon (eingefärbt) by Tracy Collins (Another Boho Love Affair)
Font: The Kind and Queen Font

Erste Zweifel ?

Background by Scarletheels (Octobersample)
Frame by Petit Moineaux (L'air du temps)
Pfeil by Cheri Kalun (Kitty)
Old Paper und Band by Lilou
Font: Suzanne Quill SH


Template by BZ Art
Wordart by Drehi
Background und Paper by MGL (Obsession)
Doodle by Pillowgirl
Herzen by Jenny (Strawberry Chocolate Shake)
Pin und Schleife by Raspberry Road (Alive and Kicking)
Frame by Mary (100% Nature) eingefärbt

Donnerstag, 24. April 2008

Janis & Friends

Background by Corina (Bekind)
Alpha by MGL (Obsession)
Faden by Eveline (Auto)
Word by Alexa (Blue Dreams)
Burned Paper by Jassi
Tesa by Barb Derksen
Font: Simpsonfont

Gela & Alex

Kit by Severine (La fete des meres)
Frame by Petit Moineaux (Frisson d' Hiver)
Schrauben by Lively (Comic)
Wordart by Drehi
Font: Roddy

Fast - Familie

Background by Polka Dot Plum (Sunshine Sweets)
Doodle by Fanfan (Birthday)
Alpha by Julie O. (Eastern Spice)
Frame by Designing on the Edge
Font: Rumba Script

Die besten Freunde

Background und Doodleoverlay by Kylie M. Designs (Grunge revisted) eingefärbt
Elemente by Danielle Corbit (Its a girl thang) eingefärbt
Alpha by Mary (Cherries) eingefärbt
Font: Reporter Two

Die junge Familie

Template by Jenny
Kit by Polka Dot Plum (Love Actually)
Font: LOT Quest

Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

Christa und Harald

Kit by MGL (Love Actually)
Frames by Amelie
Alpha by Digiscrap.ch (Beauty)
Büroklammer by Miss Vivi (Home Sweet Home) eingefärbt
Font: Linotype Zapfino

Die Jugend

Kit by Aprilmouse (Ententiky)
Alphas by Digiscrap.ch (eingefärbt)
Ribbon by Camila Silva (Claudia)
Tacker by Manuela Baumbach
Schlüsselanhänger by Dozibaer (eingefärbt)
Doodle by Shabby Princess (Harvest Spice) eingefärbt
Frames by O.N. Designs (No. 1)

Donnerstag, 17. April 2008


Background, Ribbon, Naht und Blumen by Kim Smith (Flowers)
Schleife by Petit Moineaux (L'air du temps)
Doodleframe by Beth
Frames by Lliella (Boy Girl) und Merkeleyd (A day to remember)
Block und Stift by Amelie (Pink Paradise)
Font: Little Ricky NF & Mareens Print

Mittwoch, 16. April 2008

Brot & Salz

Kit by Petit Moineaux (Brise Marine)
Clip, Cardboard oben, Sicherheitsnadel und Notizzettel by Petit Moineaux (Amore Blue)
Font: Phyllis
Zitat von Friedrich Rückert

Our Family is made with love

(angelehnt aber nicht direkt geliftet an ein LO von Kordula)
Background by Bren Boone (Lucious Solids) eingefärbt
Elemente und Frame by Petit Moineaux (diverse Kits) z.T. eingefärbt
Alphas by Dirty Feet Designs
Wordart by Alabama Stone Thrower (eingefärbt)

Magic Moments

Background by Kim Smith (Asian Sea)
Clip by Templates n more (Love actually)
Frame by Ellie Lash
Doodle by Kim Smith (April 08) eingefärbt
Sparkles by Joanne Bail (Over the Rainbow)
Alpha by Chamuel (eingefärbt)
Font: Sabrina

Dienstag, 15. April 2008

Im Gasthaus

Kit by Raspberry Road (Havanna Nights)
Blüte by Scarlettheels (Octobersample)
Pin by Raspberry Road (Flea Market) eingefärbt
Glitter und Baumwollzweig by Akiloune (Cotton et Badiane)
Font: Pokemon Solid


Background by Alexa (Crazy)
Säge by Redju (Papakit)
Font: Olympus

Gruppenbild auf der Rathaustreppe

Background und Paper by Raspberry Road (from this moment on)
Klammer by Amelie (Sea) eingefärbt
Font: Metacopy

Montag, 14. April 2008

Erste Glückwünsche

Template by Jill & Jack Scraps
Background und Paper by Summer Driggs (One Love)
Alpha by My Emma Doodle (Eingefärbt)
Font: Linotype Zapfino
Zitat by Hermann Hesse

Der Kuß

Template by Jaana Säker
Background by Corina Nielson (Memorymakers)
Herz by Ina (Timeless)
Schlüssel by JeannJeann G. (Family Tradition)
Alphas by Shabby Princess (eingefärbt)
Font: Fiolex Girls
Zitat by Joseph Conrad

Donnerstag, 10. April 2008

Die Ringe

Background by NBK (Nostalgic)
Frame by Designing on the Edge
Font: Fineline

Die Trauzeugen

Background by Pam Lefors (Odds 'n Ends)
Kit by Petit Moineaux (L'air du temps)
Alpha by Cafe Digi (eingefärbt)
Font: Decadentia

Das Ja-Wort

Kit by Roselli (From my heart)
Zitat unbekannt
Font: Linotype Zapfino


Kit by Sliva (Family Love)
Herz by Netty (Trousse Coeur)
Kette by Mary (Generations of Love)

Einmarsch des Brautpaares

Background by Vicky Fernandez (sample) eingefärbt
Paper by Xyreena
Boxed Words by Julie O. (Dusted Blossoms)
Clip by Camila Maria
Tags by Mary (Flower)
Klammer mit Blüte by Tracy King
Font: Lainie Day
Lyrics "I'll still be loving you" by Restless Heart

Mittwoch, 9. April 2008

Besser spät als nie

Template by Tracy Drane
Fotoframe mit Schatten by ???
Background by Tracy Collins (Aidan Again)
Paper by Tracy Collins (Another Boho Love Affair) und Jennifer Howland (SAmpler)
Doodle by Manuela Zimmermann (Timeless Journey)
Karteikarte by Carolin Bender (Shabby Kitchen)
Stitch by Natali (eingefärbt)
Font: Jane Austen
Zitat unbekannt

Janis - Unser Blumenkind

Template by Shandy Vogt
Background by Jaana Säker
Paper by Dahlia Co Designs (Bittersweet) eingefärbt
Overlay by Scraphouse Team (April Inspirations) und Kirsty Wiseman
Doodle by Katrin (Sensitive) und Gisela B. (Nature Calls) eingefärbt
Alpha by Dozibaer (eingefärbt)

Unser jüngster Gast

Template by Simply Sarah
Background by Corina (Think Pink)
Font: Hannibal Lecter

Dienstag, 8. April 2008

Im Trauzimmer

Template by Anina
Kit by Miss Vivi (St. Valentin)
Stitch by Miss Mint (Foxy Lady)
Pfeil by Cheri Kalun (eingefärbt)
Doodle by Tabritzia (teilweise gefärbt)
Font: Hannibal Lecter

Erste Gäste

Template by Drehi
Filmstrip by Ilona Hamp
Frames by Dozibaer und me
Kit by Ameliescrap (Pink Paradise)
Alpha by Tanja (Vanilla Sky) eingefärbt
Font: Gigi

Samstag, 5. April 2008

Jasagen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene

Background by Alexa (Nostalgia)
Alphas by Seebee und Melany Violette
Font: GF Matilda Bold