Credits:Lift by Tajaceli
Background by Mag (Sasha)
Frame by Droopette (Life in blue)
Pokal by Miss Honey (1st Player)
Dirtspray und String by Mommysscraps (Boys will be boys)
Tanksäule und Brille by Dita B. (All wild Kids)
Spielzeug by WLOP (In the Playroom)
Laterne, Schild, Mülltonne und Knüllpapier by Gouzi und Akiloune (Streetspirit)
Truck by Jamie Dell (Boyjoy)
Tacho by Jenny79 (Adventure for boys)
Wordart by Snoopy und Kimber
Credits:Background by Letiscrap (Romantic Angel)
Elemente by Miss Honey (My Fathers Son)
Wordart by Snoopy
Font: BN Sunday Kid